
From Street Scenes to Skylines: A Photographic Journey Through André Kertész’s New York

André Kertész was a Hungarian-born photographer who made a significant impact with his unique style and composition. In 1936, he moved to the United States to escape the rise of Nazi Germany. In New York, Kertész had to rebuild his reputation through commissioned work, which didn’t deter his passion for photography.

Kertész’s photos of New York City are special. He used light in ways that made ordinary scenes look extraordinary. His camera angles were different from what most people were used to at the time. This unique perspective gave his photos an intimate and timeless quality.

One of his famous New York photos is “Washington Square, New York,” taken in 1954. The image captures a snowy park with people walking through it. The light and composition make the scene feel serene and timeless. This is a perfect example of how Kertész could find beauty in everyday moments.

Another notable aspect of his work includes the photos taken from his apartment window. These images often showed the daily lives of his neighbors, providing a glimpse into private moments of strangers. This approach gave his work a sense of intimacy and connection with his subjects.

Kertész faced many challenges throughout his career, but he remained dedicated to his vision. His photos of New York reflect his deep appreciation for the city and its endless possibilities. By looking at his work, viewers can experience the city through his eyes and find beauty in the simplest scenes.

Written by Henry Parker

Content writer, SEO analyst and Marketer. You cannot find me playing any outdoor sports, but I waste my precious time playing Video Games..

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